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Pengumuman Gate.io Has Added A 16-Day Time-Limited Reward (As High As 153,443 VRA) to ETH/BTC, BTC/USDT, DOGE/BTC Liquidity Pools

Gate.io Has Added A 16-Day Time-Limited Reward (As High As 153,443 VRA) to ETH/BTC, BTC/USDT, DOGE/BTC Liquidity Pools

2022-02-07 04:50:45 UTC 40401 Baca
Gate.io has launched a new version of liquidity mining pools (adding about 50% trading fee on the platform) on August 1, 2021. We have also added a 16-day time-limited reward to ETH/BTC, BTC/USDT and DOGE/BTC liquidity mining pools (As High As 153,443 VRA). We will further add additional time-limited rewards to the mining pools of more trading pairs. Please keep a close eye on the subsequent announcements.

The total amount of the current liquidity mining pool bonus reaches 620,307.15 USDT, and the total liquidity is up to 48,709,960.72 USDT; the ETH/BTC trading pair enjoys the highest total liquidity in the mining pool,reaching 4490125.05 USDT; the 24-hour trading volume of STARL/USDT mining pool ranks first, reaching 695412.48 USDT; the CTT/USDT trading pair has the highest annual yield today, reaching 3118.03%. Welcome to join them to earn returns!

Gate.io has launched the Liquidity Mining Help Guide which offers common Q&A and procedures to help users. You can also join the Gate.io LM N Lending & Single-Asset Vault Group to share and discuss ideas with more users. The TG Group will bring more latest information on Liquidity Mining to you.

To further enhance the user experience, Gate.io has officially launched the centralized Automated Market Maker (AMM) service on August 1, 2021. This allows most of the new and non-mainstream coin markets to gain similar liquidity as Uniswap. It allows users to enjoy a low-cost and high-quality user experience on a centralized platform. Gate.io will continue to add supported currencies, please pay close attention to further announcements.

Click to view the new liquidity pool: Gate.io will upgrade some markets to automated market maker (AMM) (new 50% platform trading fee bonus)

Extended Reading:
What is the Automated Market Maker (AMM) mechanism?
Through the automated market maker mechanism, the liquidity provider (LP) can earn trading fee revenue by providing liquidity to the market. The order takers offer fees to the LP in exchange for lower slippage. Through this mechanism, the market needs of both parties are well matched, allowing LPs and takers to get what they want.

What is an impermanent loss?
It refers to the loss of capital due to spreads that occur when the price of a digital asset changes after an investor has deposited in the automated market maker liquidity pool. Irrespective of how the price of the digital asset changes, inpermanent loss will occur and the larger the spreads, the larger the loss.

What is liquidity mining?
Liquidity mining is a method of acquiring more cryptocurrencies by pledging cryptocurrency. It is a new trend in decentralized finance (DeFi) that allows cryptocurrency investors to fully utilize their crypto assets and receive higher returns. Anyone can participate in the eco. Simply put, this means locking in cryptocurrencies to receive rewards.

What are the benefits of providing liquidity?
Users can earn market making dividends by adding liquidity to the market. By adding liquidity, funds are injected into the pool, and the fee revenue earned from automatic market making in the pool is distributed to the liquidity provider in proportion to their share of the pool. Liquidity can be accessed in real time without any commission charges.

Science: From Market Maker to Liquidity Mining, How Important is Liquidity?
Why is Gate.io Liquidity Mining Great for Low Volatility?
Science: What You Need to Know About Investments in Liquidity Mining Products

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