Precio en REI NetworkREI
Clasificación #764
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Acerca de REI Network ( REI )
Sitio web
Rei network is a new application level public chain compatible with Ethereum EVM, which is more friendly to supporting enterprises and developers, lightweight and free. It mainly focuses on strengthening the characteristics of lightweight and free, and can be extended infinitely at the same time, so as to develop a lightweight and innovative public chain, commit to solving the collective dilemma faced by the current public chain, and provide a complete solution for the transformation of the public chain and the new paradigm of cross chain. Rei network (REI) token comes from the replacement and increment of gxchain (GXC) main network token. The conversion from GXC to REI will follow the 1:10 splitting rule, and the maximum supply of REI is 1 billion.
REI Network (REI) Tendencias de precios
Máximo 24H$0.05703
Mínimo 24H$0.05151
Volumen de 24 horas$157.77K
Capitalización del mercado
$54.43MMáximo histórico (ATH)$0.3546
Suministro de circulación
974.91M REIMínimo histórico (ATL)$0.01915
Suministro total
1.00B REICapitalización de mercado/FDV
97.49%Suministro máximo
1.00B REIValoración totalmente diluida
$55.84MEl sentimiento del mercadoPositivo
Actualización de precios en Vivo REI Network (REI)
REI Network precio de hoy es $0.05584 con un volumen de operaciones de 24 horas de $157.77Ky, como tal, REI Network tiene una capitalización de mercado de $54.43M, lo que le da un dominio del mercado de 0.0014%. El precio de REI Network se movió +0.95% en las últimas 24 horas.
Periodo de tiempo | Cambiar monto | % de Cambio |
1H | -$0.0005526 | -0.98% |
24H | +$0.0005254 | +0.95% |
7D | +$0.001715 | +3.17% |
30D | -$0.001215 | -2.13% |
1Y | +$0.0269 | +92.96% |
Indicadores de credibilidad
Puntuación de fiabilidad
Clasificación #736
PercentilTOP 5%
REI cambiar a USD | $0.06 USD |
REI cambiar a EUR | €0.05 EUR |
REI cambiar a INR | ₹4.70 INR |
REI cambiar a IDR | Rp852.99 IDR |
REI cambiar a CAD | $0.08 CAD |
REI cambiar a GBP | £0.04 GBP |
REI cambiar a THB | ฿1.85 THB |
REI cambiar a RUB | ₽5.20 RUB |
REI cambiar a BRL | R$0.31 BRL |
REI cambiar a AED | د.إ0.21 AED |
REI cambiar a TRY | ₺1.92 TRY |
REI cambiar a CNY | ¥0.40 CNY |
REI cambiar a JPY | ¥8.10 JPY |
REI cambiar a HKD | $0.44 HKD |
Fenbushi Capital