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Ankündigungen Rewards for Gate.io's FRONT Bonanza Week Campaign Distributed

Rewards for Gate.io's FRONT Bonanza Week Campaign Distributed

2020-12-14 08:10:55 UTC 65507 Lesen

Gate.io's FRONT Bonanza Week campaign has been a success. We have distributed rewards to eligible users. You may head over to Billing Details to view what reward you have received.

(1)Top 100 Users by Net FRONT Deposits-Win a total of 19,500 FRONT

The top 3 users:
Ranking UID
1 1****55
2 1****68
3 1****50

The remaining winners (the list is not inclusive)

Ranking UID
4 2****01
5 2****19
6 2***08
7 1****55
8 2****76
9 5****80
10 3***07
11 4***82
12 1****50
13 2***54
14 2****50
15 2***75

(2) Users With Net Deposits Exceeding 300 FRONT-Win a total of 3,000 FRONT

Ranking UID (the list is not inclusive)
1 1****55
2 1****68
3 1****50
4 2****01
5 2****19
6 2***08
7 1****55
8 2****76
9 5****80
10 3***07
11 4***82
12 1****50
13 2***54
14 2****50
15 2***75

Congratulations to all the winners!

Gate.io is an established exchange that holds integrity, transparency, and fairness to a very high standard. We charge zero listing fees and only choose quality and promising projects. Our exchange consists only of 100% real trading volume. Thanks to everyone who has joined us in our journey. We always intend to improve and innovate to reward our users for their continuous support.

Gate.io Team
December 14, 2020

Get 40% of all referees' trading fees in the affiliate program at https://www.gate.io/referral
Click to Sign up :https://www.gate.io/m#/register
Download it now at: https://www.gate.io/mobileapp

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Facebook: https://facebook.com/gateioglobal
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