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Ankündigungen Gate.io’s Lending & Single-Asset Vault Enjoys A 7-Day Annualized Yield Up To 148.15% Today

Gate.io’s Lending & Single-Asset Vault Enjoys A 7-Day Annualized Yield Up To 148.15% Today

2022-03-28 07:44:50 UTC 21067 Lesen

Today, the SXP lending pool has the highest 7-day annualized yield, reaching 148.72%; the SXP lending pool has the highest lending ratio, up to 99.38%; the USDT lending pool has the highest total lending volume at 3,421,298.00 USDT.

Launched in 2021, Gate.io Lending & Single-Asset Vault platform supports deposits and withdrawals at any time, without the risk of impermanent loss. Safe and reliable, it is easy for users to trade. Users can earn money by depositing idle assets into single-currency mining pools to provide liquidity.

View more info at
Gate.io Lending & Single-Asset Vault (Gate.io is planning to list single-currency lending pools one by one).

Join the LM N Lending & Single-Asset Vault Telegram Group to better communicate and discuss with friends and get the latest information on liquidity mining.

*Learn more about Gate.io Lending & Single-Asset Vault:

(1)What is Gate.io Lending & Single-Asset Vault

(2)How to participate in liquidity mining on Gate.io website

(3)Your new investment option: A Complete Guide to [Lending & Single-Asset Vault]

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March 28, 2022

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