How To Stay Safe When Trading on

2022-10-27, 16:40

According to data released by the FTC, during the course of 2021 alone over $1 billion was lost to crypto scams and phishing attacks. With the rise of phishing scams and hacks, and in light of the recent incursion of's official Twitter account, we've put together a thorough guide on how to stay safe while trading on

Strong Passwords Are Key
One of the most common ways crypto investors lose their crypto, is from weak passwords or by sharing passwords across various platforms. If a single on is compromised, users risk losing their funds, so having good password etiquette is important. Choosing a strong password, that isn't used on various different platforms is key to a safe trading experience.
So, how do you pick one? Well, first off all ensure you use a mix of upper and lowercase characters, then add some symbols and numbers, and ensure it's at least 10 characters long. An example of a strong password is W3@kPA55w0rd$sUc!<. Never use a combination containing your first or last name, a pet, friend or family member's names.
Keep in mind that offers three types of passwords to users. The first is the account password, used to access your account. The next is the fund password, used to trade and withdraw. Finally, the last one is an anti-phishing password, which needs to be activated under the Password Management section of your account. Each password needs to be unique to ensure the absolute safety of your account.
Passwords should not be saved on the devices you actively trade on, as the theft of these devices or malware could compromise them. If you write them down for safe keeping, make sure to store them in a safe location that's not easily accessible by anyone. The first point of failure usually lays in user error or passwords not being stored safely enough. Additionally, don't save passwords on your browsers as malware has been known to hijack browsers' password 'vaults.'

Don't Trust, Verify
A mantra for many in the crypto community; don't trust, verify is a good way for you to ensure you don't fall victim to scams. If you are unsure if a link provided or a social media profile contacting you or posting promotions, are real, then visit the platform in question and contact the support team for verification.

In the case of, we have a nifty feature called 'Official Verification' which can be accessed on This section will confirm whether a domain, email address, Telegram handle, social media account or phone number is from an official representative or community. If you are still unsure, our support team can be accessed from the main site or mobile apps.

2 Factor Authentication Adds An Extra Layer of Security offers various different methods to ensure the safety of users' accounts. Besides the account and fund passwords, anti-phishing code and mobile and email codes, the platform also offers users the option to activate 2 Factor Authentication.

(Image Source: Kaspersky Labs)

2 Factor Authentication (2FA) is done through a dedicated authenticator app, like Google Authenticator, that regularly generates new codes for the different platforms users have enabled the feature on. If an incorrect code is typed in, it prevents access to the account in question. There are plenty offerings available, with Google Authenticator being the most popular. It can be downloaded from the Google Play and Apple App Stores.

Be Careful of Links
Except for local sites,'s global links are, and If you are unsure of a link, use the Official Verification search function shown above. Be sure to check the letters and in some cases when hovering your cursor over a link, it will show the domain in question.
If you receive a message or an email and are unsure if the content is from a legitimate source, use the verification search or visit the link you're accustomed to using and find the campaign in question by searching the announcement's section. If you're unsure of a related link, it's best to access the service through the link you usually use and contact support.

What To Do If You Think You've Been Hacked?
If you think someone with malicious intent has gained access to your device or account information, immediately try to log in to the site and change your passwords. You can also reach out to the support team to lock your account if you are unable to access it. This will prompt a process where you will need to provide your KYC details once again to confirm you are the account holder and other security steps to ensure the safety of your account.

What Are Other Safety Measure You Can Use?
If you already employ all of the different passwords and 2FA, then you can also take proactive measures like using a single unique device that no other accounts are loaded onto or logged into to trade. Additionally, changing your passwords on a regular basis is a stronger method of security ensuring constant change makes it more difficult for those with ill intent to access your device.
Another safety tip would be to ensure you have an anti-malware or anti-virus program set up and regularly keep it updated. Refrain from accessing sites and platforms you are not 100% sure is safe to access and don't click on suspicious links both on social media, email and even received through SMS.

Please Note: representatives will never ask you for your passwords or authentication codes. These are used exclusively by the user to access their account. If someone requests your log in details or any codes generated for use on, please contact or for assistance.

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