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    Gate.io Supports Nada Protocol Token (NADA) Migration

    2024-05-22 UTC 12689

    Gate.io Supports Upcoming Aptos (APT) Upgrade

    2024-05-22 UTC 7830

    Gate.io Completes ONBUFF (ONIT) to LumiWave (LWA) Token Migration

    2024-05-21 UTC 10506

    Gate.io Supports DYDX Mainnet Token Deposits

    2024-05-20 UTC 9478

    Gate.io Completes DeRace (DERC) to zkRace (ZERC) Token Migration

    2024-05-20 UTC 7772

    Gate.io Supports Upcoming DeFiChain (DFI) Upgrade

    2024-05-20 UTC 5577

    Gate.io's Supplementary Explanation on Snapshot Time for New Roost Token Swap

    2024-05-20 UTC 13902

    Gate.io Supports Lisk (LSK) Token Migration

    2024-05-17 UTC 21687

    Gate.io Supports Upcoming Pastel (PSL) Upgrade

    2024-05-17 UTC 7860

    Gate.io Suspends Stacks (STX) and Alex Lab (ALEX) Deposits and Withdrawals

    2024-05-16 UTC 20287

    Gate.io Completes Merger of SLG.GAMES (SLG) and CarryProtocol (CRE) into Game Build (GAME2)

    2024-05-16 UTC 6972

    Gate.io Completes Roost (ROOST) Token Migration

    2024-05-16 UTC 21237

    Gate.io Supports DeRace (DERC) to zkRace (ZERC) Token Migration

    2024-05-15 UTC 12329

    Gate.io Supports Roost (ROOST) Token Migration

    2024-05-13 UTC 20277

    Gate.io Supports BonusBlock (BONUS) Token Migration

    2024-05-11 UTC 12229
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