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    Web3 Exchange


    Gate.io Not Supporting Catgirl (CATGIRL) Token Swap and Initiating a Delisting & Buyback Plan

    2024-08-09 UTC 26060

    Gate.io to Delist ZKX (ZKX)

    2024-08-09 UTC 27977

    Gate.io to Delist Envoy (ENV)

    2024-08-07 UTC 14607

    Gate.io Completes Delisting and Buyback of PymeDAO (PYME)

    2024-08-06 UTC 12099

    Gate.io Completes Delisting and Buyback of DeSpace Protocol (DES) and NIFTIFY (NIFT)

    2024-08-05 UTC 8488

    Gate.io Completes Delisting and Buyback of Fanadise (FAN)

    2024-08-02 UTC 14220

    Gate.io Completes Delisting and Buyback of DeFIL (DFL)

    2024-08-02 UTC 14497

    Gate.io Completes Delisting and Buyback of BambooDeFi (BAMBOO)

    2024-08-01 UTC 12551

    Gate.io Completes Delisting and Buyback of Vera (VERA)

    2024-07-31 UTC 20685

    Gate.io to Delist MuratiAI (MURATIAI)

    2024-07-30 UTC 13531

    Gate.io Completes Delisting and Buyback of Farmland (FARMLAND)

    2024-07-25 UTC 11935

    Gate.io Not Supporting Mojito (MOJITO) and Initiating a Delisting & Buyback Program

    2024-07-24 UTC 13017

    Gate.io Not Supporting NFTY NETWORK (NFTY) Token Swap and Delisting NFTY NETWORK (NFTY)

    2024-07-23 UTC 14265

    Gate.io to Delist Socean Staked Sol (SCNSOL)

    2024-07-22 UTC 13250

    Gate.io Delisted Leveraged Tokens GAL3L & GAL3S

    2024-07-21 UTC 17725
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