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    Web3 Exchange


    Gate.io Completes Delisting and Buyback of Envoy (ENV)

    2024-09-04 UTC 12350

    Gate.io Delists PLY, PPS, EDR, BBK, and Other Tokens

    2024-09-03 UTC 14066

    Gate.io to Delist NFTMart Token (NMT)

    2024-09-02 UTC 14590

    Gate.io to Delist Formation FI (FORM)

    2024-09-02 UTC 11258

    Gate.io to Delist MATIC Weekly Delivery Futures Market

    2024-08-30 UTC 13034

    Gate.io Supports Ignore Fud (4TOKEN) Migration to Fishkoin (KOIN) and Delists Fishkoin (KOIN)

    2024-08-30 UTC 11622

    Gate.io Completes Delisting and Buyback of MuratiAI (MURATIAI)

    2024-08-21 UTC 13204

    Gate.io Completes Delisting and Buyback of Socean Staked Sol (SCNSOL)

    2024-08-19 UTC 11522

    Gate.io will Delist Premarket DOGS/USDT Perpetual

    2024-08-17 UTC 25508

    Gate.io Completes Delisting and Buyback of Mojito (MOJITO)

    2024-08-15 UTC 15386

    Gate.io to Delist Aragon (ANT) and Support Redemption for ETH

    2024-08-14 UTC 16429

    Gate.io Completes Delisting and Buyback of PLAY Token (PLAY), Hoge Finance (HOGE), and YIN Finance (YIN)

    2024-08-13 UTC 14242

    Gate.io Not Supporting Catgirl (CATGIRL) Token Swap and Initiating a Delisting & Buyback Plan

    2024-08-09 UTC 25309

    Gate.io to Delist ZKX (ZKX)

    2024-08-09 UTC 27555

    Gate.io to Delist Envoy (ENV)

    2024-08-07 UTC 14570
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