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    Web3 Exchange

    Gate Charity

    Gate Charity's 'Happy Playground' Event Brings Joy to Children in Need

    2024-07-25 UTC 6144

    Gate Charity's 'Books for the Sea' Empowered Duano Tribe with Literacy Drive in Indonesia

    2024-07-25 UTC 3432

    Gate Charity Empowers Single Mothers with "Warm Sharing, Together for the Future" Initiative

    2024-07-23 UTC 5042

    Gate Charity Launches "Sika Art Centre Empowering Young Artists NFT (Benin)" to Support Artists in Benin

    2024-07-04 UTC 6796

    Gate Charity Partnered with SEAD to Launch Wellness & Care Initiative for Anak Dalam Tribe

    2024-06-26 UTC 9398

    Gate Charity Partners with Forum Animal for "World Day to End Live Animal Exports" Event

    2024-06-21 UTC 14473

    Gate Charity Partners with World Vision to Provide Sustainable Safe Water for Tayundo, Ghana

    2024-06-21 UTC 10855

    Gate Charity's "Bundles of Care" Brightens the Lives of Children at Long Quang Compassionate Shelter in Vietnam

    2024-06-18 UTC 7604

    Gate Charity Delivers Essential Supplies to Flood Victims in Southern Brazil

    2024-06-14 UTC 6899

    Gate Charity’s Shelter Visit: Raising Awareness and Support for Stray Animals

    2024-06-07 UTC 5155

    GateCharity's "Heart & Health Charity Clinic": Caring for Elderly Residents at Panti Sosial Tresna Werdha "Budi Luhur"

    2024-06-07 UTC 5499

    Gate Charity Launches Full Hearts, Full Bellies NFT Collection

    2024-05-31 UTC 17213

    Gate Charity's "Highlands Hope" Event Brought Joy to Children in Dak Nong Province, Vietnam

    2024-05-23 UTC 11905

    Gate Charity Launches Batik Art Blessing NFT to Empower the Local Communities of Air Batu Village

    2024-05-23 UTC 8647

    Gate Charity Led A Successful Initiative to "End Plastic Pollution and Build a Sustainable Green Future" in Kaohsiung

    2024-05-13 UTC 12319
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