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    Announcements Welcome Gate.io Influencers Program- Share the Influencers Page and Be Part of a $10,000 Prize Pool

    Welcome Gate.io Influencers Program- Share the Influencers Page and Be Part of a $10,000 Prize Pool

    2022-04-27 13:57:35 UTC 53113 Read
    To celebrate Gate Influencers's official website release, we will host a Gate Influencers Program event on Twitter and everyone is welcomed to participate. You can post about the Gate Influencers Program and get bonuses.

    Campaign Period: Apr 26th - May 9th, 2022 (UTC)

    Complete the form to participate: https://www.gate.io/questionnaire/1716

    Step 1: Think about impressive content:
    Find out information about Gate Influencers at: https://www.gate.io/influencers
    Tell your fans and friends about us and write a recommendation, and the content related to Gate Influencers.

    Step 2: Forward the official website link, attach your recommendation and Tag 3 Twitter Influencers:
    Once you have the content , you need to forward the official website link, attach your recommendation and Tag @gate_io and your three Influencers.

    Step 3: Share your tweet to your other channels
    You can share your tweet on other channels.

    Forward this tweet with your promotional message and we will rank and reward you according to your tweeting characteristics and likes. The top 10 tweets will be selected to share a 10,000 Prize Pool.

    Terms and Conditions:
    1. The tweets cannot be deleted.
    2. All submissions must be the original work of the participant. Re-submissions of videos from previous Gate.io competitions are NOT eligible for this program;
    3. Rewards will be distributed through tokens and distributed to the winners’ accounts. The transaction can be viewed at “My Wallets”–“ My Billing Details” ;
    4. Participants must agree and comply with Gate.io terms & conditions. Any defamatory content or actions against the Gate.io brand is strictly prohibited;
    5. Gate.io reserves all rights to the final decision.

    Gate.io is a Cryptocurrency Trading Platform Since 2013
    Top ranking, Trustworthy, Transparent

    Sign up to enter the crypto gateway and get 40% commission from referrals
    Download iOS/Android App right now.

    Reach out to us!
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/gate_io
    Telegram: https://t.me/gateio
    Podcast: https://gateio.buzzsprout.com/?ch=buzzs

    Gate.io Team
    April 26th, 2022
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