
Altcoin is one of the most dynamic and controversial sectors in the crypto world. If you already know enough about mainstream coins such as BTC and ETH, you might as well step out of your comfort zone and take an exciting trip to the cutting edge of the crypto industry.

文章 (485)

What’s Loopring?

What’s Loopring?

Loopring, also known as LRC, is a decentralized matching protocol that was launched in Q3 of 2017. It utilizes smart contracts and off-chain mechanisms for order matching and execution of transactions. The protocol operates on a zero-risk token exchange model, enabling multiple exchanges to compete for off-chain matching and on-chain settlement of similar orders, all powered by decentralized technology.
Apr 12, 2023
What is AirDAO (AMB)?

What is AirDAO (AMB)?

AirDAO empowers users to easily access and benefit from decentralized applications via a community-governed ecosystem, using the AMB as a utility and governance token while streamlining Web3 complexities.
Apr 07, 2023
What Is Pax Dollar? All You Need to Know About USDP

What Is Pax Dollar? All You Need to Know About USDP

Pax Dollar (USDP) is a Paxos-minted stablecoin pegged to USD, created for secure transactions with minimal volatility.
Apr 07, 2023
What is Blur?

What is Blur?

Blur is an NFT market aggregator protocol designed for professional traders, facilitating the execution of batch trades and management of NFT investment portfolios with ease.
Apr 05, 2023
What is FRAX?

What is FRAX?

FRAX (Fractional-Algorithmic Stablecoin Protocol) is a decentralized, partially collateralized stablecoin launched on Ethereum and pegged to the US dollar. FRAX was fully collateralized at genesis, with the purpose of transitioning to be fully algorithmic. The FRAX protocol is the first fractional-algorithmic stablecoin protocol. FRAX is open-source, permissionless, and completely on-chain. It will possibly be implemented cross-chain in the future. The ultimate goal of the FRAX protocol is to provide a highly scalable, decentralized, algorithmic currency to replace fixed-supply digital assets such as BTC. Frax Shares (FXS), the governance token of the FRAX protocol, was launched in 2020 with a total supply of 100 million.
Mar 24, 2023
What Is Stacks? All You Need to Know About STX

What Is Stacks? All You Need to Know About STX

Stacks, a layer-1 blockchain, is used by Bitcoin to support DeFi, NFTs, apps, and smart contracts.
Mar 24, 2023
What Is Binance USD? All You Need to Know About BUSD

What Is Binance USD? All You Need to Know About BUSD

Binance USD (BUSD) is a stablecoin pegged to the US dollar, issued by Binance, one of the world's largest cryptocurrency exchanges.
Mar 24, 2023
What is Verse Network by STP (STPT)?

What is Verse Network by STP (STPT)?

Verse Network by STP is a DAO ecosystem offering accessible decentralized decision-making tools for communities and organizations, in a bid to facilitate DAO adoption and support.
Mar 24, 2023
What is SamoyedCoin (SAMO)?

What is SamoyedCoin (SAMO)?

Samoyedcoin (SAMO) is a famous meme coin built on the Solana network to be a fun asset type, owned and managed by the community and effective in onboarding new market participants, and a publicity tool for Solana.
Mar 16, 2023
What is BENQI and How Does it Work?

What is BENQI and How Does it Work?

BENQI is a leading decentralized finance platform built on the Avalanche network that offers lending, borrowing, and trading services with dynamic interest rates and an automated DEX.
Mar 15, 2023
What Is Theta Network? All You Need to Know About THETA

What Is Theta Network? All You Need to Know About THETA

The Theta Network is a decentralized video delivery platform that offers high-quality streaming and incentivizes users for sharing bandwidth and content.
Mar 15, 2023
What is Bancor (BNT)?

What is Bancor (BNT)?

As the first decentralized exchange (DEX) on Ethereum to support automatic market maker (AMM), Bancor supports instant and low-cost cryptocurrency transactions. In 2020, Bancor introduced unilateral staking and 100% impermanent loss solutions for AMM, allowing users to benefit from lower-risk solutions.
Mar 15, 2023
What is ZEC?

What is ZEC?

ZEC (Zcash) was launched on October 28, 2016, and belongs to the category of privacy coins in the cryptocurrency market. ZEC is the first blockchain system to use a zero-knowledge proof mechanism, which provides complete payment confidentiality while still maintaining a decentralized network on a public blockchain. Similar to BTC, ZEC has a total supply of 21 million. However, unlike BTC, transactions on ZEC automatically hide the sender, receiver, and amount on the blockchain, and only those with keys can see the content of transactions. Users have full control over their keys and can choose to provide them to others to view the information. ZEC can be seen as a branch of BTC, as it retains the original BTC model and is based on modifications to a version of the Bitcoin code.
Mar 08, 2023
What is Enjin? All You Need to Know About ENJ

What is Enjin? All You Need to Know About ENJ

Enjin (ENJ) aims toward the creation and management of virtual goods on a broad scale, and has exclusive features to achieve this goal, such as multiple SDKs, marketplaces, and more.
Mar 07, 2023
What is Curve?

What is Curve?

As the world's second-largest AMM platform, Curve gains popularity among users for its technology and development as well as its incentive-based financial ecosystem. In the newly released whitepaper of crvUSD stablecoin, Curve proposes a novel smooth liquidation mechanism, which greatly enhances its competitiveness and attractiveness, demonstrating the large potential to become the world's first AMM platform to issue stablecoins in the near future.
Mar 07, 2023