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How To Use EigenDA's Raas Market To Accelerate Rollup Deployment?

How To Use EigenDA's Raas Market To Accelerate Rollup Deployment?

EigenDA is a RaaS market that provides acceleration services, reducing the barriers to Rollup deployment. It is a data availability network designed to enhance the throughput and reduce the cost of Rollup protocols. This article will uncover the process of deploying Rollup using EigenDA.
Apr 23, 2024
How DAOs can leverage AI for enhanced dynamics

How DAOs can leverage AI for enhanced dynamics

This article explores combining artificial intelligence (AI) with decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) to innovate decision-making and organizational growth. It details the applications of AI in different DAO governance models such as direct democracy, representative democracy, and liquid democracy, as well as how it optimizes smart contract automation and community management.
Apr 23, 2024
Does Crypto's Top AI Project Even Work?

Does Crypto's Top AI Project Even Work?

Bittensor is a crypto and AI narrative project aimed at democratizing the construction of artificial intelligence use cases through an open P2P marketplace. The Bittensor ecosystem comprises 32 subnets, attracting numerous prominent teams and projects. Its DeFi ecosystem is also rapidly expanding, encompassing applications such as staking, token sales, and lending, and involving multiple subnets in the DeFi space, such as liquidity staking, borrowing, and perpetual DEX. This underscores its genuine potential for growth.
Apr 23, 2024
What is LTO Network? All You Need to Know About LTO

What is LTO Network? All You Need to Know About LTO

LTO Network is a hybrid blockchain platform for creating and managing decentralized workflow applications.
Apr 23, 2024
Sending Network: Reconstructing TCP/IP for Web3 Communication Infrastructure

Sending Network: Reconstructing TCP/IP for Web3 Communication Infrastructure

This article showcases Sending Labs' development of a decentralized communication protocol stack designed to overhaul the traditional TCP/IP model, tackling its centralization flaws prevalent in the Web2 era. The revamped protocol allows for peer-to-peer communication via wallet addresses, boosting security, privacy, and giving users increased control. It promises an unlimited provision of IP addresses, cuts out the need for centralized CAs, and integrates essential protocols such as DNS into the blockchain. The protocol also promotes setting up personal routers to foster a decentralized physical infrastructure and imbues network communication devices with financial characteristics that tie directly to blockchain accounts. Detailed strategies for decentralizing the network, transport, application, and physical layers are explored.
Apr 23, 2024
INT: Decentralized Autonomous Lottery

INT: Decentralized Autonomous Lottery

As Zero-Knowledge (ZK) technologies advance, ZK-Rollup is set to claim a substantial market share in the evolving market for Ethereum expansion. The text delves into Lumoz's proactive approach to addressing the challenges and demands ZK-Rollup faces, highlighting its role as a frontrunner and leader in this sector. This leadership has catalyzed the development of several emerging ETH Layer 2 and BTC Layer 2 projects and established a pioneering position in ZK mining.
Apr 23, 2024
What is the Bitcoin Runes Protocol?

What is the Bitcoin Runes Protocol?

The Runes Protocol utilizes the native UTXO system and the OP_RETURN function to introduce a superior method of issuing fungible tokens on the Bitcoin blockchain. This innovative approach not only simplifies data integration in Bitcoin transactions, but also significantly reduces network congestion. The Runes protocol will launch after the halving in April 2024 and aims to go beyond existing standards such as BRC-20 to provide a more efficient and comprehensive approach to asset management on the Bitcoin blockchain.
Apr 23, 2024
Web3 Security — The Hidden Hundred Billion Dollar Market

Web3 Security — The Hidden Hundred Billion Dollar Market

This article delves into the security challenges faced by the current market, exploring the security risks accompanying the rapid growth of Web3 users. By analyzing security solutions proposed by companies like Goplus, we further understand how to support the widespread application of Web3 from aspects of compliance and security.
Apr 23, 2024
IO.NET: A Deep Dive into AI and Web3 Convergence

IO.NET: A Deep Dive into AI and Web3 Convergence

The article delves deeply into the commercial necessity of combining AI with Web3, emphasizing the importance and challenges of distributed computing power services. It pays special attention to the IO.NET project, a distributed AI computing power platform, aiming to incentivize the convergence of AI computing power through a token model, providing flexible, rapid deployment, and low-cost AI computing services. The article analyzes the product logic, team background, and financing situation of IO.NET, and it also forecasts its potential market value. Additionally, the article discusses the development trend of the distributed computing market and possible influencing factors.
Apr 23, 2024
The Biggest Winner of Q1 2024, The Logic Behind the Surge in Meme Coins

The Biggest Winner of Q1 2024, The Logic Behind the Surge in Meme Coins

This article explores the economic principles of meme coins, analyzing the mechanism of meme propagation and its application in the cryptocurrency sector. Meme coins combine popular culture and internet trends, gaining attention through viral spread and community support. The article highlights the high volatility, emotion dependency, and market manipulation risks of meme coins, and discusses their integration with NFTs and DeFi. Although meme coins offer innovative ways to participate and potential high returns, investors are advised to carefully assess the risks.
Apr 23, 2024
Research Report of Thorchain

Research Report of Thorchain

Thorchain represents a cutting-edge decentralized protocol for cross-chain AMM (Automated Market Maker) trading. Its mission is to expand the availability of cryptocurrency liquidity across a widespread network of public ThorNodes and related ecosystem products. This platform is open for use by anyone, ranging from individuals to products and institutions, offering both native and cross-chain liquidity solutions.
Apr 23, 2024
Enhancing Bitcoin Eco with Mango Network’s Omni-chain Infrastructure

Enhancing Bitcoin Eco with Mango Network’s Omni-chain Infrastructure

Mango Network is a transaction-based omni-chain infrastructure network that aims to address the issues of asset interest, transaction confirmation delays, lack of smart contracts, and high transaction fees on the Bitcoin network. It provides cross-chain interoperability through an omni-chain bridge protocol, supporting multiple Bitcoin protocols such as BRC-20 and BRC-420, enhancing the liquidity and usability of Bitcoin assets across different blockchain ecosystems. Built using the Move language, Mango Network offers a secure, modular, and high-performance Web3 infrastructure with a transaction processing speed of up to 297,450 TPS. It also provides cross-chain bridging capabilities, connecting Ethereum mainnet, Layer 2 solutions, and the Optimism Stack, while bringing smart contract functionality to non-smart contract chains like Bitcoin and Dogecoin.
Apr 23, 2024
SAFE to Launch: Overview of Tokenomics and Ecosystem

SAFE to Launch: Overview of Tokenomics and Ecosystem

This article introduces the decentralized custody protocol and digital asset management platform Safe (formerly Gnosis Safe), which allows users to manage digital assets through smart contracts. Safe's token, SAFE, has a fixed total supply of 1 billion, distributed among users, ecosystem members, institutional investors, the foundation, core team, and DAO vaults. Safe is a leader in the field of DAO fund management tools, with a thriving ecosystem and multiple projects already funded on its platform. Safe is more than just a multi-signature wallet; it is a composable smart account framework, fully programmable smart accounts, suitable for various use cases and user groups.
Apr 23, 2024
 Understanding Lumoz: The Rising Star of ZK Modularity

Understanding Lumoz: The Rising Star of ZK Modularity

With the rapid penetration of modular blockchains into L2, the maturity of various RaaS tools, and the implementation of the Cancun upgrade, the barrier to entry for building L2s has been significantly lowered, and technology is no longer the main obstacle to constructing Rollups. As a leading ZK-focused RaaS, Lumoz has great potential for success in the near future.
Apr 23, 2024
MEME: Community and Speculation

MEME: Community and Speculation

The article discusses the rise of meme coins, such as $PEPE and $WIF, in the cryptocurrency market, highlighting their high-risk, high-reward opportunities. These coins achieved significant returns in the first quarter of 2024, emerging as one of the most profitable cryptocurrency trends. Meme coins typically lack practical utility, deriving their value mainly from community sentiment and cultural trends. While acknowledging their market volatility and speculative nature, the article notes their presence in an experience-centric economy. Investors are cautioned to exercise caution when investing in meme coins, considering price fluctuations and potential fraud risks.
Apr 23, 2024
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