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    Announcements Gate.io HODL & Earn: Lock NBP To Earn 100% APR(Phase 1)

    Gate.io HODL & Earn: Lock NBP To Earn 100% APR(Phase 1)

    2021-11-25 09:57:50 UTC 30514 Read
    The Lock NBP & Earn #1(term 14 days) will launch at 8:00 UTC on November 29th at Gate.io 's“HODL& Earn” section, with an estimated reward of 100% P.A.

    Web users can use the link to purchase - https://www.gate.io/hodl/918 while app users can tap the "HODL & Earn" icon on the Market screen.

    Rules of Lock NBP to Earn #1 (Term 14 days)
    1、Token: NBP
    2、Handling Fee: 0
    3、Annual Interest Rate:100%
    4、Start Time: 2021-11-29 08:00 UTC
    5、The principal and interest will be distributed when the lock-up period ends
    6、End Time: 2021-12-13 08:00 UTC

    About NBP
    NFTBomb is the first open ecology that integrates the NFT protocol and application carrying a rich ecology of NFT protocols, including Boom protocol, Origin protocol, Auction protocol, maximizing NFT liquidity while including NFT bazaar Kibomb, directly connecting users with NFT assets, building the interaction channel between the real world and meta-universe assets, dedicated to providing users with Provide one-stop DEFI experience and create a new paradigm of NFT finance.

    Important notice:
    Locking your asset for a certain term is required. Your asset and interest will not be available until the end of the lockup term. If there is any price fluctuation on the market, you are unable to unlock and trade immediately. And the interest received may not be sufficient to cover the loss caused by the price change. Please fully understand the risks.

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    November 25
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