Original | Odaily

Author | Husband How


Recently, the development of the TON ecosystem is in full swing, and the ecological TVL pumped by more than 70% this month to $260 million. However, the rapid development of TON has also attracted the attention of phishing groups, and community members have previously disclosed that they have long a "pretty number" (888 0505 0707 NFT) in their TON Wallet, but many community members have found that the transfer fee of the NFT is as high as 1 Toncoin (normal 0.02 Toncoin), and NFT will appear in your Wallet after the transfer.

At present, the TON ecosystem is flooded with longest "confusing" projects, for which Odaily will review the development of virtual numbers themselves, as well as the risks of this type of scam.

Fishing team gameplay upgrade, take advantage of small cost and take advantage of the psychology

The "+ 888" series of virtual numbers was sold by Telegram on the Fragment platform in 2022, of which the decentralization auction platform Fragment is an important witness to the ice-breaking between Telegram and TON.

Initially, the "+ 888" series of virtual number NFTs were sold directly through Telegram in the early days, priced at 9 Toncoin, and later after all were sold out, buyers could directly use or resell. The Telegram team originally demonstrated Telegram's censorship-resistant ability by auctioning virtual numbers to provide users with privacy needs in Telegram.

In addition, during the same period, Telegram's relationship with TON eased, and the Fragment auction platform based on TON was launched, so that virtual numbers were auctioned in the shape of NFTs.

At present, Telegram has only launched the "+ 888" series of virtual numbers, and the buying group, which should be based on privacy needs, has turned into a symbol of status, which is the same as the previous demand for domestic mobile phone numbers, causing TON and Telegram users to auction coherent and auspicious numbers.

According to data from the Fragment platform, the current virtual number with the highest asking price is "+ 888 0666 0000", the asking price is 1365 Toncoin (about 9350 USD), and the number with the highest asking price is the "protagonist" of this article (+ 888 0505 0707).

The phishing team first creates fake NFT impersonating a virtual number (+ 888 0505 0707) at 0 cost and distributes it via nftTONificatorBot to TON on-chain active Address. Users who regularly engage in on-chain activities may feel that the NFT has no value and the security is uncertain, so skeptical users try to transfer the NFT.

The above is that the phishing team took advantage of the user's suspicion of transferring NFT to raise the transaction fee of the NFT to 1 Toncoin, and the NFT remained in the Wallet, as for how to set the smart contracts to NFT cannot be transferred or use the redirection Airdrop fake NFT, there is no theoretical support.

However, only through this novel phishing method can only make a small number of people deceived, so the phishing team followed the previous method of fake airdrop on the X platform (formerly Twitter), opened the minting page, and let users participate in manufacturing, which is different from the previous Airdrop, open Wallet permissions, so that the funds in the Wallet were stolen, and the fishing team this time purely relied on users to send money.


The author found in the acceptance Address of the phishing team that there are still users who are "sending money" to them, from transferring 1 Toncoin to minting handling fee of 0.02 Toncoin, and the phishing team is suspected of being in the process of pooling funds, according to tonscan data, UQB1QBhyiY76wtIDTaV3pFtl8jE_aCrlGeDDTRbz2LaNjTvH The Address has transferred 6483 Toncoins in recent days, about 4.5 $10,000. This Address is only one of the Address where funds are pooled. The amount of fraud may exceed $100,000.

To this end, Odaily reminds everyone that although the current TON ecosystem is developing rapidly and the wealth income is high, it is also a new position for the fishing team to commit crimes, and community members have responded to longing fake airdrops and fake NFT links, hoping that everyone will strengthen their awareness of risks.

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